What It Means to be Eco-friendly Brand

When I first started Cottonaries, I thought I know what it means to run an ethical and environmentally-friendly business. I thought it's enough to be just mindful of how we source our material. But I was wrong!

Last November, I attended sustainability talk event held by Project Semesta, Burgreens, Evoware, and Union Yoga. This is the event that completely opened new perspectives for me. I realized that there are so many other aspects that I have not considered yet in our business such as: supply chain transparency, production waste management, packaging, upcycling used clothes, etc. This event is what triggered us to write and share about our suppliers in our website, so that we can start to be more transparent. It also reaffirmed our practice of not using plastics in our packaging. 

Through the event, I also get to know other ethical and sustainable fashion brands like Osem, Sukkhacitta, the aid kit, and many others in the community that are so passionate about our environment and sustainability. Each of them is doing very inspiring work which I really admire.

Overall, I'm very grateful for the whole experience and the connection that we've made with the community. It really makes us re-think what it means to be 'Eco-friendly' brand. I know what we've been doing so far is definitely not enough. But this has inspired us to continuously improve and become better one step at a time.

Founder of Cottonaries